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Medical Abdomen Belt Usement

What about the postpartum abdominal relaxation? At this time, the new mother must have thought of using the abdomen to abdomen. However, how much do you know about the abdomen belt?

The abdomen belt is considered by many to prevent the relaxation of the abdominal muscles and maintain a slim body shape,actually not. The recovery of postpartum abdominal muscle tension is related to exercise and birth times. Muscular solid primiparas can rely on their own qualities to restore abdominal muscles to normal.It is best to wait until 42 days after birth, and then use the abdomen when the uterus descends to the pelvis.



In addition, the speed of uterine recovery is related to the maternal age, number of delivery, general health, length of labor, mode of delivery, and whether or not breastfeeding. The uterus recovers and returns to a normal physiological position without having to use a belly band. Maternal women can recover their body by doing leg lifts, sit-ups, maternity exercises, etc., while breastfeeding can also promote the recovery of the mother's body shape and uterine recovery.

Just after the birth of the child, the uterus contraction requires a process, immediately the waist and tightness will cause increased abdominal pressure, causing uterine prolapse, uterine posterior tilt and other symptoms, may induce pelvic venous hemorrhage, pelvic inflammatory disease , annex inflammation and so on.


Name: Mr.Liu




Add:Development Zone, Anping County, Hebei