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Fast selling waist belt

The waist support belt is necessary in our daily life, when you sitting or drive the car. It will help you a lot, will reduce pain. Some has steel support and some don't have.  Choosing one that suitable for you is important.

Long-term wear will cause different degrees of muscle atrophy in the waist muscles, and different degrees of rigidity of the joints of the lumbar spine, resulting in reduced mobility. Thereby reducing the "soft prop" effect of the waist muscles, and over time it can make the patient feel dependent. Once they leave the belt, the pain increases, or the belt is lifted, the atrophy muscle strength is weak, and it can not adapt to the activities under the protection of the belt , And may cause new injuries and strains. This is undoubtedly harmful to the rehabilitation of patients.

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When the waist symptoms are heavy, they should be worn frequently, and do not take them off at any time; patients with mild illness can wear waist circumference when going out, especially when standing or staying in a posture for a longer period of time, sleep and bed rest Remove again. After the symptoms gradually subside, the waist circumference should be removed and the normal activity of the waist should be gradually restored. The general use time is 4-6 weeks.

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We have one kind of waist support brace, it's made of elastic polyester, hot pressing. Breathable and comfortable when wearing. It also have three kinds of removable pads, inflatable one, magnet one and flannel one. You can replace according to the need. It's the best choice for you, they're popular during our clients.

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Name: Mr.Liu




Add:Development Zone, Anping County, Hebei