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Remind of the neck brace

The fixation of the cervical collar is generally divided into three situations. The first situation is that during the conservative treatment of cervical spondylosis, the cervical collar can be appropriately fixed and then relieve some symptoms. The other is the postoperative cervical spondylosis, generally we do some neck protection properly, choose the fixation of the cervical collar.

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The other is the fracture of the neck. For the fracture of the cervical spine, let's choose some neck braces. So for the conservative treatment of cervical spondylosis, its neck brace can be fixed for a longer period of time, which can be longer properly, because it has the same effect as the traction when the neck is lying down. The neck brace is fixed at this time. We choose to increase the amount of time, that is, growth, generally it can be worn when choosing daytime activities. If cervical spondylosis is selected after cervical spondylosis, we generally choose what to do. For about a week after surgery, as long as it is ambulatory, we can wear it and protect it when we go to the ground.

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Then there is another case, that is, the conservative treatment of cervical spine fractures has been worn for a relatively long time this time, because to prevent some ectopic fractures, we choose the general is no special case, we do not rush him to remove, it is general The fixation should be reviewed during 4-6 weeks, and the X-rays should be reviewed regularly to see some healing of minor fractures.

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Name: Mr.Liu




Add:Development Zone, Anping County, Hebei